54 Years Old and Living-Breathing Succeeding With Cystic Fibrosis
Episode  #0035: April Biggs Keeps on Dancing  after Double Lung Transplant

Title: April Biggs “Keeps on Dancing? after Double Lung Transplant

April Biggs is 31 years old and received the gift of a double lung transplant on August 15th 2004 at New York Presbyterian Hospital in New York City.

-     April grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at one years old.

-     Growing up the doctors told her parents “Treat April like a healthy person and to live as fully as she can?

-     April started dancing at 5 years of age and is still dancing and choreographing post transplant.

-     April attended Florida State University.

-     “CF causes a lot of alienation due to the fear of catching germs from others with cystic fibrosis and that’s a drag? states April

-     “People with CF have a strong will to live and usually do pretty well getting through lung transplants? states April

-     “My family is a GREAT support system? states April

-     April’s FEV’s dropped from 85% to 30% and had a lot of hemoptosis which expedited the need for a transplant.

-     April’s recommendation to anyone with CF and anyone facing a lung transplant: “exercise and if you can’t run, walk!? also… “live your life to the fullest and do it!?

Direct download: AprilBiggs-05-11-06II.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

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